Upgrade Windows 10 Pro to Enterprise Edition

As an IT Consultant with a Microsoft mindset I really like the Windows 10 Insider program. But when I updated my laptop to the latent Insider build (14316), I noticed that my local App-V apps weren’t working anymore. This is due to the new integrated App-V client within Win10 (http://www.tmurgent.com/TmBlog/?p=2433). As an App-V enthusiast a smile appeared on my face, until… I couldn’t enable the App-V client as apparently I was running Windows 10 Pro Edition (which was available when I joined the Insider Program) and to enable that functionality, I needed the Enterprise Edition…

So what’s next? I didn’t want to loose my local data… The question arised: “What is the impact of upgrading to an Enterprise Edition”?

Luckily it’s really easy to upgrade Windows 10. The only thing you need is the Enterprise product key! You don’t even need to use an Enterprise ISO or any other install media!

So how to do the upgrade:

  1. Make sure you have an Enterprise Edition product key!
  2. Navigate to: Settings – Update & Security – Activation
    Click “Change Product Key”
    Navigate to: Control Panel – System
    Click “Change Product Key”
  3. If requested, Press “Yes” on the User Account Control pop-up.
  4. Fill in the Enterprise Edition product key
  5. Directly the tool will check if you filled in the correct product key
  6. If the key is correct, Windows recognizes that an upgrade is required
  7. Click “Start Upgrade” and the upgrade to Enterprise starts
  8. After few minutes (doesn’t take long) the upgrade is finished
  9. And you’re done! No reboot required, you have direct access to your new Enterprise features! That’s how easy it is! All your data or apps are still on the same location! So great!!
    (Of course I do advise you to reboot after the upgrade, just to be sure…)

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